If I Only Had a Heart: Accounting for Care Work in Organizations

Too often, the necessary care work that generates and sustains our lives occurs at the margins of the economy, unaccounted for and under-recognized. Spain-based activist Stacco Troncoso is part of a movement to change that. Troncoso, a member of the Guerrilla Media Cooperative, is part of a collective developing a new model—the DisCO, or Distributed Cooperative Organization.

You Say Decentralized, I Say Potato: The DisCO Manifesto is live and ready to download

Co-published with the Transnational Institute (TNI), If I Only Had a Heart: a DisCO Manifesto is a deep dive into the worlds of the blockchain, commons, cooperatives, AI, feminist economics and more. At 80 pages, it’s a “longread” text that will take about an hour to read.